Weekly Letter: Letting Go

The right combinations of words unlock awareness inside of ourselves. We find places we’ve never had access to or maybe learn something new we didn’t fully understand before. By using words and language we get to create all these new associations to better grow into...

Weekly Letter: The Same Practice

Why do we ask our yoga to be the same all the time? I am not the same every day. Some days I feel more strongly than others. Some days I need to take care of my emotions and be quiet or small. But the yoga isn’t asking you to be anything other that what you are. And...

Weekly Letter (Part 2): Why are you here???

This article is Part 2 of last weeks letter. Why would I say something like that? Because we need to get ourselves out of the expectation that there is only one way to access our body and that everyone has to access it the same way. We need to redevelop a sensitivity...

Weekly Letter (Part 1): Why are you here???

I begin each Yoga 101 session with everyone sitting in a circle. No mats yet, its too soon to roll out the mats. The mats set an expectation and I want to wait on that for a bit. Some of the people in the room have never taken a yoga class before, so rolling out the...