Hi there!
I hope this email finds you well, happy and peaceful-in the words of my dear friend Bhante Sujatha.
The first time Bhante reached out to conduct meditation programs here at Main Street Yoga, I was a new studio owner and teacher. I’d never really been around Buddhist monks, let alone hosted any in my home.
My husband Levi and I were new homeowners and had only lived in our house for a few months when they came to stay. It was the middle of winter, so that may have been our first time introducing ourselves to the neighborhood!
As a thank you for letting them stay and because he knew we only recently moved in, Bhante offered to bless our new home. I was delighted because I hadn’t even saged yet! The ceremony was beautiful. Chanting, blessed water being put in every room and closet by shaking it off of a flower…at the end we had woven bracelets tied to our wrists made of yellow thread. Levi and I wore them until they fell off.
One night, Levi and I invited both Bhantes to join us for Orange Leaf. When I asked Bhante Sujatha if he wanted to come, he politely turned down the offer (not much of a sweets person), but said Soma would definitely be interested as he loves sweets!
So Bhante Soma came along with us to Orange Leaf! At the time, Soma was working on developing his English-so communicating the process of a frozen yogurt buffet was interesting. I know Soma doesn’t believe in heaven, but if he did, it might look like an Orange Leaf franchise! His eyes were like saucers looking over all the topping options!
The second (or third) time Bhante came to stay, I remember he arrived later in the evening, after the sun was already down and it was dark outside. He walks up the stairs on the porch with a big grin and calls, “Hello! Im home!”
To this day, when Bhante Sujatha comes to Main Street Yoga, he always greets me this way, “Hello! Im home!”
And every time, I always say, ‘Yes, you are!’
I hope to see you all next week and please dont hesitate to call out, ‘Hello, Im home!’ when you get here-and we will greet you warmly.